train tracks
train tracks


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Train Tracks

Went on a walk-a-bout with the wife last week and snapped a few photos with the phone. Taken in Baraboo WI near Devils Lake

April Fools Day

I’m not a big fan of April Fools day. I’m more of a cautious observer. With that said I have no plans to try and fool any of you kind readers. I will say though that ThinkGeek makes the best April Fools Days posts. In Site related news I have been adding more photographs to the gallery. If you have been following me you will know that these are from older sets and are on Flickr. I wanted to pull a few of my favorites here for the purpose of highlighting them. Starting next week I think I will flesh out the hand drawn work more.


Recently I took the family on a vacation to Biloxi. This was the first time I’ve been to Mississippi and we had a good time. I did manage to squeeze in some time with the camera and I felt rusty but enjoyed myself. My biggest problem was that I was being lazy and left the ISO on auto so some of my photos had a much higher ISO setting then I wanted. In the grand scheme of things not a bit deal. I’ll be uploading the photos a little at a time but you can see them in the gallery. Like This One

Hello (again) world!

No I didn’t leave you all. I have been having odd background issues on the site so I decided to start from scratch. As the next few weeks go on I’ll be updating the page with the items I want to keep and trimming out old information that I’d rather forget about. Plan of Action
  • Reevaluate the plugins I use
  • go through the galleries and pull outdated files and duplicates
  • update my convention / show schedules
  • Flesh out the about page and clean up any old links
Wish me luck