train tracks
train tracks


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Train Tracks

Went on a walk-a-bout with the wife last week and snapped a few photos with the phone. Taken in Baraboo WI near Devils Lake

I’m in an odd situation

I actually have art I could share but haven’t yet. I have ideas I’m kicking around and I want to get them out but I don’t think they are ready. Really the issue is that I did one comic and I’m not happy with it. It looks okay but it looks like every other comic I do. I’d like to try out a different style but still keep it simple enough that it would look good in black and white. I’ll keep you posted.

Updated Madscott Comic

I from time to time still update what was once my daily comic. It’s something I really want to get back to and I have no proper excuse for not doing. If you head over to the Madscott Comic site you can see the dragon skull I drew as well as the comic archive. Maybe I’ve been reading to much Game of Thrones lately.

Purse Dog

So over the weekend I met up with my niece and she got a chance to show off he new puppy. I had previously seen photos of this dog but in the photos he looked much larger. I took the opportunity to snap a few photos and thought I would share them with all of you.