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Do you still ready the newspaper comics? Maybe you read them online? I often check out Pluggers. It’s just a feel good comic. That’s it. No deep thought needed and only here to make you smile. I’d love to do it as a full time job. Until than I have submitted a couple ideas and Rick Mckee used them.

Scrap Paper

Around my house good paper doesn’t get thrown out or go to waste (often). Todays example is some bristol paper I had after cutting out a sheet of sketch cards. I decided they were the right size for book marks. I may sign and laminate them later.

scrap paper bookmarks

What’s going on?

You may notice some changes going on around here. I am working to make this site a better hub for what I am doing. I have installed a Theme and Plugin originally designed for comics and I plan to use it to share both the comics I work on, my photography, and progress images for my woodworking and cars. Check back in often. As I get things evolving this will definitely be the one stop shop you want.