train tracks
train tracks


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Train Tracks

Went on a walk-a-bout with the wife last week and snapped a few photos with the phone. Taken in Baraboo WI near Devils Lake

Scrap Paper

Around my house good paper doesn’t get thrown out or go to waste (often). Todays example is some bristol paper I had after cutting out a sheet of sketch cards. I decided they were the right size for book marks. I may sign and laminate them later.

scrap paper bookmarks

What’s going on?

You may notice some changes going on around here. I am working to make this site a better hub for what I am doing. I have installed a Theme and Plugin originally designed for comics and I plan to use it to share both the comics I work on, my photography, and progress images for my woodworking and cars. Check back in often. As I get things evolving this will definitely be the one stop shop you want.

On the tracks

Went on a walk-a-bout with the wife last week and snapped a few photos with the phone. Taken in Baraboo WI near Devils Lake
train tracks
train tracks